September 9, 2021

Almost anyone who does something the first time can make mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable but easily avoidable with expert coaching and guiding you. As with buying a home, it has been said that most homebuyers make some of these common mistakes: 

purchase house, saskatoon, financial consultation, budget
  • Not sticking to a budget

Most homebuyers are not keen on doing their research and finding out their own financial capabilities. Knowing what you can afford and sticking to it can avoid you a lot of stress when getting into an unexpected expense in your homeownership in the long run. 

  • Not checking credit reports

The excitement of getting that home can sometimes lead one to ignore checking those figures and all the paperwork. It’s always good to take a look into credit reports and correct any errors before you apply for a mortgage. 

  • Not comparing mortgages

More choices are better than one. Compare mortgages by talking to more than one lender and ask about first-time homebuyer programs. 

These are just some but there are actually more mistakes that you can make. You can forego making them as an amateur, that said, the best way to avoid them is by speaking to a mortgage specialist. Where to find one? No need to worry! The good news is you will get your own mortgage specialist when you take your first step in owning a home at BelleMaison. 

BelleMaison will help you get in touch with a mortgage specialist as a complimentary service that comes toward your home purchase. You are assured of sound advice about your mortgage application and other crucial information needed in buying your new home. 

As part of BelleMaison’s Helping Hands, we pride ourselves on being able to provide you with a special session with our mortgage specialist, Heidi Kinar. Learn how your first homebuying experience can be stress-free with Heidi’s friendly approach and expertise in a home mortgage application. All interested homebuyers will be given the opportunity for a one-on-one consultation with Heidi so you can get the best rates and recommendations for the mortgage application that you’ll need. 

Avoid home buying mistakes you’ll regret making in the future without mortgage assistance, we’ll work with you in making your first home purchase a piece of cake. BelleMaisonlooks forward to giving you a helping hand in buying your new home!

Starting your consultation right away by sending us a short message by clicking here

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